About us

Biodiance helps businesses calibrating their industrial equipements using the MercuryPro accurate temperature probe



I bring 15 years of expertise in electronics and embedded systems.

My educational background includes a Bachelor's degree from Switzerland with a focus on materials, metrology and statistics, as well as a Master's degree in electronics and biomedical science.

After working for several companies emphasizing on reliable high-end electronic devices ranging from GPS systems to precise optical targeting instruments, I currently design and build equipments to support companies prioritizing quality and compliance with standards.



Je suis fier de souligner mon parcours professionnel axé sur la métrologie et la qualité, avec une expérience significative aux côtés des plus grands laboratoires pharmaceutiques. Mon rôle en tant que responsable métrologie & qualité chez Ellab France depuis 2019 m'a permis de travailler en étroite collaboration avec ces acteurs majeurs de l'industrie pharmaceutique, en assurant des prestations de qualification et validation conformes aux normes ISO 17025.